Fairfax & Favor are turning ten: so it’s time to celebrate!

This extra-special collection marks a decade of Fairfax & Favor with some of your all-time favourites!

Get ready for an extra-special ‘blue box delivery’.

10 years of Fairfax & Favor

Celebrating a decade of Fairfax & Favor with limited edition releases of some of their most iconic products.

frequently asked Questions

Marcus Fairfax Fountaine and Felix Favor Parker own Fairfax and Favor.

Marcus and Felix combined their middle names, back in 2013, to create the company name: Fairfax and Favor.

Fairfax & Favor was founded in 2013, by childhood friends Marcus Fairfax Fountaine and Felix Favor Parker.

Aged 24 at the time, they made an ambitious goal: To combine their middle names and launch their very own footwear brand; one that would specialise in luxury boots and shoes inspired by country life.

Here at Wadswick, we’re proud stockists of Fairfax and Favor.

With a wide range of their luxury products in-store and online.

Whether you’re shopping for yourself or looking for a gift for a trend-loving friend, you’ll be spoiled for choice.